Cooking Quiz Knorr
If you’re not familiar with Knorr, it’s a British seasoning brand that also happens to sell its meal-starter products stateside. After creating a recipe generating quiz on their UK site, the US site wanted something similar. That’s where I came in.

The brief: Create a 6 question quiz that dishes out a customized selection of recipes based on cooking skill, lifestyle, and food preference.
The solution: A Buzzfeed-style cooking quiz.

To develop the quiz, I named the cooking personas, wrote the quiz intro, edited the questions, and wrote the results page for each. The 6 cooking personas we landed on were:
Creative Food Explorer
Creative Food Explorer with Kids
Aspiring Foodie
Aspiring Foodie with Kids
Multi-Tasking Meal Provider
Simple Meal Seeker

As you’ll see, the results for the cooking personas with kids vs. without have the same messaging. That’s because we decided to let the images do the differentiating between these two subgroups.

Below, check out the Cooking Quiz that went up on in late Spring 2019.

The Cooking Quiz Intro

The Questions


The Results